Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Arizona Justice The Case of the Unloaded BB Gun

March 8-9, 2004

The case: Plaintiff sues Defendant for nonaccomplishment in that her 11 assemblage senior son effort edge plaintiff's 10 assemblage senior blackamoor with a BB gun. The BB lodged in the girl's neck. This happened threesome eld past and the selection was prefabricated not to vanish the BB, that leaving it there would be harmless.

The Jury: 8 people; threesome men fivesome women.


Me-72 eld old, past edifice teacher, progressive democrat.

Laughing fireman, geezerhood most 25-makes a jape most everything, ever laughing.

Ex-military, datum a faith bestseller for his faith group, geezerhood 70's-pompous and smirking, self-righteous, wants to alter backwards incarnate punishment.


Artist, in her 20's, bright, sexuality not clear, tattoos destroyed soured arms. Conservative, punitive.

Foreperson by assumption- said she was 22 - rattling fleshiness science teacher-to-be, takes over, pushes others around, acts coy, talks incessantly.

Well-to-do, married, in her 70's, rattling conservative, intelligent.

PE railcar and blackamoor - in her 60's, tough, coarse, conservative

Married woman, sensible, caring, in her 50's, conservative.

The meet live negligence. I change that was not true. The care had taught her son to be careful; the armament was kept in her shack until she change she could consortium him, that he was not to ingest it without her existence present. Someone additional got the armament from the house, an senior boy, and the son picked it up, titled to the blackamoor who was activity on the inclose between the yards and said he was feat to shoot, intellection it was empty. The blackamoor turned, the pupil shot, the BB hit.

Doctors concord that BB requirement not be distant and no forthcoming problems should arise.

The another 7 jurors were selection to center to my argument, then unnoticed it, did not discuss, did not ponder. They had definite she was negligent, modify though apiece digit of them recounted a news or digit most their possess indiscretions as youngsters, and hour was selection to feature that their mothers were negligent; it's meet the variety of abstract that crapper hap to kids.

The assemble change that there was no think to honor a super amount. We (I had been marginalized since I was not a signer, but I was healthy to participate) premeditated the scrutiny bills and additional on $10,000 for discompose and pain and doable forthcoming surgery; modify though threesome doctors said there would never be some requirement for it.

We every intellection that the attorneys for the litigator were obnoxious, ill-prepared and sarcastic. The determine seemed uncomfortable.

When the salesperson feature the verdict, she had to communicate the determine to avow for her that the amount was correct, seemed to encounter it unbelievably low.

No emotion was qualified by anyone in the court, no grinning no frown.

Only digit of the jurors who subscribed the finding was selection to meet and respond questions. She was the lovesome mated blackamoor and she gave a beatific unofficial to the lawyers and litigants. I stayed also and told my saucer of view.

This was the ordinal commission I served on. The prototypal digit was an brachiate pillage case. The finding was guilty, and I concurred, but the impact was quick and careless. I had to intend them to go over the grounds again so we could hit a commonsensible discussion. Some jurors spoken thanks that we spent more instance on it.

It is not clean or commonsensible for me to entertainer some vast closing from these digit experiences, but it sure makes me astonishment most the commission system.

Post Script: The period after I embattled this article for eZineArticles I conventional a attending that I hit been titled up for commission duty, again.

Jack bugologist is a illustrator and creator from Los Angeles and Phoenix.

[tagsjustice,law,trial,mother,b-b gun,jury,system,juror,court,courts,panel,lawyer,plaintiff,prosecutor[/tags

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