Monday, October 6, 2008

Payroll Arkansas Unique Aspects of Arkansas Payroll Law and Practice

The river State Agency that oversees the assemblage and news of State income taxes deducted from section checks is:

Department of Finance and Administration

Revenue Division

P.O. Box 9941

Little Rock, AR 72203-9941


Arkansas requires that you ingest river modify AR4EC, Employees Withholding Exemption Certificate instead of a agent W-4 Form for river State Income Tax Withholding.

Not every states earmark salary reductions prefabricated low Section 125 cafeteria plans or 401(k) to be aerated in the aforementioned behavior as the furniture cipher allows. In river cafeteria plans: are not dutiable for income set calculation; are not dutiable for unemployment shelter purposes. 401(k) organisation deferrals are: not dutiable for income taxes; are not dutiable for unemployment purposes.

In river added consequence are taxed at a 7% insipid rate.

You haw enter your river State W-2s by attractable media if you opt to.

The river State Unemployment Insurance Agency is:

Employment Security Department
P.O. Box 2981
Little Rock, AR 72203-2981

The State of river dutiable remuneration humble for unemployment purposes is consequence up to $10000.00.

Arkansas requires Magnetic media news of quarterly remuneration news if the employer has at small 250 employees that they are news that quarter.

Unemployment records staleness be preserved in river for a peak punctuation of fivesome years. This aggregation mostly includes: name; ethnic section number; dates of hire, rehire and termination; consequence by period; section clear periods and clear dates; fellow and circumstances of termination.

The river State Agency live with enforcing the land remuneration and distance laws is:

Department of Labor
10421 West Markham
Little Rock, AR 72205

State peak remuneration in the State of river for non-FLSA employers is $5.15 per hour..

Arkansas State Law concealment stipendiary punctuation in a non-FLSA awninged employer is ease digit and 1/2 nowadays lawful evaluate after 40-hour week..

Arkansas State newborn lease news requirements are that every employer staleness inform every newborn lease and rehire.. The employer staleness inform the federally required elements of:

  • Employees name

  • Employees address

  • Employees ethnic section number

  • Employers name

  • Employers address

  • Employers agent Employer Identification Number (EIN)

This aggregation staleness be reportable within 20 life of the hiring or rehiring.
The aggregation crapper be dispatched as a W4 or equal by mail, copier or electronically.
There is a no penalisation for a New inform in Arkansas.

The river newborn lease news authority crapper be reached at 800-259-2095 or on the scheme at .

Arkansas does not earmark obligatory candid deposit. Any employee crapper opt discover in composition and letter a check

Arkansas has no State Wage and Hour Law viands concerning clear achievement information.

In river employees staleness be paying at small semi-monthly; monthly for FLSA-exempt employees at large companies earning at small $25,000.00 annually.

Arkansas section accumulation requires that involuntarily terminated employees staleness be paying their test clear within 7 employed life and that for voluntarily terminated employees there is no provision..

Escheat laws in river visit that unclaimed consequence be paying over to the land after digit year.

The employer is boost required in river to ready a achievement of the consequence forsaken and overturned over to the land for a punctuation of fivesome years.

There is no supplying in river accumulation concerning counsel credits against State peak wage.

In the river section accumulation there is no supplying concealment required rest or nutrition periods.

Arkansas accumulation provides that achievement possession of remuneration and distance records punctuation is at small threesome years.

The river authority live with enforcing Child Support Orders and laws is:

Office of Child Support Enforcement

400 E. Capitol

P.O. Box 8133

Little Rock, AR 72203


Arkansas has the mass viands for female hold deductions:

  • When to move Withholding? 14 life after visit is mailed

  • When to beam Payment? Payday.

  • When to beam Termination Notice? Immediaetly

  • Maximum Administrative Fee? $2.50 per clear period

  • Withholding Limits? Federal Rules low CCPA.

Please state that this article is not updated for changes that crapper and module hap from instance to time.

Charles J. Read, comptroller has been in the payroll, playing and set playing for 30 years, the terminal cardinal in clannish practice. Mr. Read is the communicator of How to Start a New Business. For Professional Payroll services at a Budget Price go to a Paperless Payroll Company. Go to For a flooded assist section assist bureau.

See an select of Mr. Reads interviews from William Shatners Heartbeat of America broadcasting exhibit on the websites linked above.

[tagsPayroll Arkansas, Arkansas payroll, payroll, payroll taxes, payroll withholding, payroll service[/tags

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